A-Z? Or Just B? How to Create Winning Info-Products

What makes your info-product a winner? Or a big fat loser?

Well first we need to understand where people go wrong...

When most people set out to make an info-product, they just start smashing every single possible thing into their course.

It's overwhelming. Confusing. Icky.

(I've been guilty of this myself with Platinum Webinars 1.0...)

When you want to make an info-product, first identify what the SCOPE or scale is...

I call this concept "A-Z? Or just B?"

An A-Z product solves MULTIPLE problems for your customer. It gives them all of the resources they need to execute. 

B products solve a single, very specific problem for people. 

A "flagship" course made to take people from A-Z should be born out of your battle experience working with 1:1 clients and getting success... NOT just from a random list you made up from your head.

B products can be created before you create your A-Z, or can be pulled from it and offered as a "taster".

As an example, here's my line up and their origin stories.

  • A-Z product - Platinum Webinars 1.0 - Born out of 3 months of intensive webinar research. Combines all of the training you need to create a webinar marketing concept from scratch, create a webinar, all email follow up, and associate page designs. Covers SOME advertising.

  • B Product - Facebook Ads Course - Born out of all of the courses I've taken + first hand experience getting results with specific ad templates and strategies. Made to solve the "I want to do Facebook Ads, but don't know where to start" problem.

  • B Product - Ultimate Opt In Guide (UOG) - Helps you build opt in pages that convert at 30% or more. Solves the problem of low opt ins.

  • B Product - Funnel Pages Guide - Everything that's in the UOG plus winning page designs for checkout pages, VSL pages, and more. Solves the problem of somebody who already has a system and products, but doesn't know how to design their pages for best conversion and/or struggles to communicate design principles to contractors they hire.

  • B Product - Email List Bootcamp - Everything you need to start, grow and monetize your email list and build a solid long term foundation. Solves... Well what I just outlined.

So you see how each of my products is firstly focused around a very specific problem or set of problems?

People can come to me and I have multiple specific paths I can recommend to them.'

But all of those paths are built out of real world experience and success.

And because I've done my "List Concept" (see previous email with this in the subj line),

I know EXACTLY who to bring onto my list and who I'm developing these products for. 🚀

Hope this helps you as you concept out your products!!

Matt Wright